Author: Damian Grateley

Damian is the founder and pastor of the River of Life International Christian Church, Takamatsu, Japan. He began church planting in 2002, after graduating from Regents Theological College. He is married to Utako, the father of three boys, and passionate about bringing together faith, community and creativity in ways that reflect a healthy and genuine relationship with God.
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Looking Ahead

Life can sometimes feel like you’re living in the middle of a novel. In the middle of the story you don’t really understand the plot, the characters’ motivations, or how the story will end. Only in the final chapter do all the details make sense. I have a friend who reads the last chapter of a book first. Once she knows the ending she can sit back, relax, and enjoy the book no matter how crazy the plot becomes. God invites us to read the final chapter of the bible, so we can see how it all works out in the end.

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