Category: Articles

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Sharing In His Glory

This scene comes between two encounters that Jesus has with two individuals — Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. On the surface these individuals look very different, one is a highly moral religious leader and the other a woman of loose morals, yet each of them gains their sense of worth from their actions. Nicodemus feels good about himself because of his high moral standards and religious deeds, whilst the Samaritan woman feels shame because of her moral failings (so much shame that she collects her water at the hottest part of the day when no one else is around).

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Looking Ahead

Life can sometimes feel like you’re living in the middle of a novel. In the middle of the story you don’t really understand the plot, the characters’ motivations, or how the story will end. Only in the final chapter do all the details make sense. I have a friend who reads the last chapter of a book first. Once she knows the ending she can sit back, relax, and enjoy the book no matter how crazy the plot becomes. God invites us to read the final chapter of the bible, so we can see how it all works out in the end.

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Standing Firm (Part One)

Over the past few months I have been looking into the importance of ‘standing firm’ as a Christian (Ephesians 6:10-20). Before we can stand firm we must be sure of what it is we are standing for. Unfortunately, there are people who do not know what they believe in or what their life stands for. It seems to me that often these people are short of strong convictions and not particularly committed to anything. I am so thankful for the things that God has helped to convince me of – because I know that it is these convictions which have helped to establish continuity throughout my life!