Category: Standing Firm – Ephesians 6:10-20

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Standing Firm (Part One)

Over the past few months I have been looking into the importance of ‘standing firm’ as a Christian (Ephesians 6:10-20). Before we can stand firm we must be sure of what it is we are standing for. Unfortunately, there are people who do not know what they believe in or what their life stands for. It seems to me that often these people are short of strong convictions and not particularly committed to anything. I am so thankful for the things that God has helped to convince me of – because I know that it is these convictions which have helped to establish continuity throughout my life!

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Wear all of the Armour (Part Two)

If we are going to ‘stand our ground,’ as Christians, then we need to recognize what it is we are meant to be standing up to: ‘Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes’ (.v11). The Christian life is not a passive life – it involves ‘standing up’ to the devil’s schemes. ‘The devils schemes’ can also be translated to mean ‘craftiness’. Paul uses this same word, ‘craftiness’, in Ephesians 4:14: ‘Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.’ In this verse Paul stresses the importance of growing up and maturing as a Christian – no longer being shaken every week by every little problem or scheme which comes against you.

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Learn to Recognise the Tactics of the Opposition (Part Three)

Most of us can recognize areas of weakness within our own lives – anger, negative thinking, insecurity, worry, fear, a lack of integrity. But not everyone recognizes how Satan exploits these weaknesses. Utako and I used to always find ourselves arguing first thing on a Sunday morning. We knew that arguing wasn’t healthy – we knew that this was a weakness – but it took us a while to recognize how Satan would exploit the smallest disagreement and leave us feeling unfit to minister on a Sunday. Once we recognized that our fight was not with each other – but against the devil’s schemes – then we could join forces and fight on the same team. We must remember that our conflict is not against people, but against Satan’s evil schemes. We are wrestling against principalities, powers, rulers of a dark world (Ephesians 6:12). Is there a similar battle that keeps on reoccurring in your life? In your marriage? In your friendships? In your cell group? Or in your work place? May be it is time for you to recognize that it isn’t a person you are fighting, it is Satan’s evil schemes? May be it is time for some of you to stop fighting each other, and to join forces in order to fight against the real opposition?

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Depend on God’s Energy (Part Four)

It is helpful to remember the different ways in which we can combat Satan’s schemes. But we must never forget to fight from the victory Jesus has already gained for us – we must always depend on God’s strength, and never on our own – ‘Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty’ (Zechariah 4:6). How do we make sure we are always depending on God? The answer is found in Ephesians 6:18: ‘And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind keep alert and always keep on praying for all the saints’.

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The Breast-plate of Righteousness (Part Five)

One of the common ways that the devil attacks Christians is through false accusations. He loves to remind us of our past mistakes and accuse us of not being worthy. When we begin to dwell on our past mistakes, we soon forget the forgiveness and grace we have received through Jesus’ death on the cross – and it is at this point that we are left feeling unworthy to serve God, or to receive His blessing. If we are going to overcome this common scheme of the devil, then we are going to need to know beyond doubt – what it means to be made righteous in Christ.